As 2022 rolled into 2023, I toyed with what I'd Set those fair critiques aside, though, and bask in the amazing. Give it a look and then read on. ![]() What exactly are we seeing here? For starters, it's a man painting. Well, eating pizza, actually, taking a break from painting. "What's he painting?" I can almost hear you ask (in that get-on-with-it tone). A bike race. He's painting a bike race. Painting a bike race. Painting. Think courtroom artist, except where things happen approximately infinity times faster. WTAF. "What's he painting?" I can now actually hear you ask. Patience, we'll get there. But first some bonus gems. First, there's his cart. Probably some sort of artist cart, I can sense you thinking. Nope. It's a cyclocross cart [credit: Chad G]. For the uninitiated, a cyclocross cart is a specifically-modified garden cart that holds cyclocross stakes when they aren't in use. But you can't spell "cart" without "art." Very on-brand. ![]() But wait, in the spirit of Ginzu knives, there's more. Check out our artist friend's footwear. Very artisty. ![]() A careful eye will note that our artist friend isn't the only one who's eating. Get a load of that, uh, load going in. ![]() "What's he painting!?" I now know you're yelling. He's got a pretty sweet angle down through the finish line to the start line. No race at present (hence the eating), but if there were a race, he might see something like this. ![]() "WHAT. IS. HE. PAINTING!?" ![]() He's painting the view down the starting line. Without any racers. Because the racers already went past. You know, while he was reaching for his brush. If only there were a technology other than painting that might allow one to capture such a view ... ![]() In the immortal words of Ferris Bueller, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." Happy New Year! |